My Specialties

Adoption Therapy I work at helping adopted people and adoptive parents understand that the separation of an infant from their first caregiver is a traumatic event and has life-long effects on the adopted person. 

Adult Therapy is the process in which an individual makes a commitment to create changes in his/her life, by learning to cope with grief or loss, or by changing relationships or behaviors that are causing distress.

Couples Therapy is the process in which each member of a couple makes a commitment to create changes in that relationship, both in their actions and in their attitudes to one another.

Children’s Therapy can positively affect the relationship between a child and one or both parents, as well as relationships within the school and the community in which the child lives. Children often need to relieve emotional or behavioral stress by coping with grief or loss, or by changing methods of relating, or actions that are causing distress.

Parenting Consultation is for divorced parents with co-parenting issues. I typically offer consultation and guidance on creating/altering parenting time schedules; lowering stress transitions between homes; making child care and/or school choices; improving communication between the parents; establishing telephone contacts between parent and child; and easing stress at large family events where both divorced parents may be present.

Adult Psychological Assessment is a psychological evaluation to determine a person’s level of functioning in his/her life regarding issues such as interpersonal relationships, ability to handle emotions, and ways of coping with stress.It includes an interview, testing such as the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, and follow up phone calls or meetings if the assessment seems unclear.

For more information regarding all of our services, contact Sharon Stein McNamara Ed.D Psychology Inc in Shoreview, MN today!